May 19, 2016: The Ministry of Social Development and Family Services in conjunction with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) hosted a consultation with the Tobago House of Assembly (THA) entitled “No One left behind – Collaborating to Combat Poverty” on Thursday May 12th 2016. The consultation is part of a series being held throughout Trinidad and Tobago to assist in the development of a comprehensive National Poverty Reduction Strategy (NPRS).
Representative of the UNDP, Ms. Isele Robinson Cooper, in delivering welcome remarks noted that three main factors are key to reducing poverty in all its forms. These include national leadership and ownership, partnership and data. She stressed the importance of the consultation to the “development of a national strategy by the people for the people, while strengthening Trinidad and Tobago’s data and statistical systems.”
Chief Secretary of the THA Mr. Orville London in his address stressed that to be in a position to guide and assist, public servants must put themselves in the positions of the people they most want to help. He also advised attendees to “look at cold hard facts and not make decisions out of emotionalism.” Chief Secretary London went on to say that “we need resilience to weather these times because with all the research and data there will be times when things appear that they are not working and we will need to carry on.”
Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services, Mrs. Jacinta Bailey Sobers delivered remarks on behalf of Minister Cherrie-Ann Crichlow Cockburn. Mrs Sobers noted that in spite of increased expenditure on social programmes and the expanded range of programmes, poverty rates have actually increased since 2005.
She indicated that the Ministry was in the process of preparing a National Poverty Reduction Strategy to cushion the effects of the current economic downturn, and so it was also an opportune time to begin discussion and engage key stakeholders like the THA. She further stated that it was her hope that the Ministry and the THA “can collaborate to combat poverty, diversify our economy, preserve the environment and by so doing, guarantee a better standard of living for every citizen of Trinidad and Tobago.”
The meeting was attended by several Assemblymen including Tracy Davidson-Celestine, Deputy Chief Secretary and Secretary of Tourism and Transportation, Mr. Joel Jack, Secretary of Finance and Enterprise Development and Mr. Jomo Pitt, Assistant Secretary of Education, Youth Affairs and Sport. The Chief Administrator, Mr Raye Sandy and a number of Administrators were also present at the consultation.
The Ministry of Social Development and Family Services intends to conduct several consultations across municipalities in the upcoming months to garner public interest and input, for the development of the National Poverty Reduction Strategy.
Chief Secretary,Tobago House of Assembly, Orville London addresses participants at the “No One left behind – Collaborating to Combat Poverty” Consultation.
For further information please contact:
The Communications Unit
Ministry of Social Development and Family Services
868-623-2608 Ext. 5405/5424/5432