March 15, 2016: Today (March 15), Magistrate Mesir Gosine of the Tunapuna Magistrates’ Court, fined fifty (50)-year old – Anthony Pegus – the sum of $1,000 or two (2)-months hard labour for the unlawful possession of 32 oranges, 5 mangoes and 28 tangerines!
The charges were brought by WPC Sparkle Superville-Boneo (complainant) and PC Inshan Ali of the Ministry’s Praedial Larceny Unit.
According to the complainant in the matter, officers were on patrol on Sunday 13th March 2016, within the vicinity of Mannie Dookie Drive, Southern Main Road, Curepe, when they observed Mr. Pegus holding a brown sack over his shoulder and acting suspiciously. Upon noticing the officers, Mr. Pegus dropped the bag along with its contents and ran but was quickly pursued and apprehended by both officers a short distance away.
When asked about the contents of the sack by the complainant, Mr. Pegus responded: “Boss is some oranges and mangoes I have here.” However, when questioned further as to how he came
into possession of the produce, Mr. Pegus remained silent. He was then charged, arrested and taken to the St. Joseph Police Station for processing.
The Ministry takes this opportunity to commend the good work of its Praedial Larceny Unit which it trusts would continue to extend yeoman service to the people of Trinidad and Tobago.
For further information please contact:
The Corporate Communications Unit
Ministry of Agriculture, Land & Fisheries
868-622-1221 Ext. 1167