The following are the preliminary results for the 2019 Local Government Elections.
With an electorate of 1,079,976 in 139 electoral districts in Trinidad, there was a voter turn-out of 34.49%.
The total votes cast were 372,503.
The United National Congress received the popular vote with 202,584 votes or 54.38% of the total votes cast. The breakdown of votes by political party is as follows:
- COP: 972 (0.26%)
- MND: 404 (0.11%)
- MSJ: 2,635 (0.71%)
- NTP: 11 (0.003%)
- PNM: 161,962 (43.48%)
- PPM: 1,314 (0.35%)
- UNC: 202,584 (54.38%)
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