In an effort to ensure that whilst citizens who apply for the Food Card are awaiting their permanent card are not left in a position where they still cannot obtain food; the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services (MSDFS), has determined that applicants who are waiting will be provided with a temporary card.
Minister of Social Development and Family Services, the Honourable Camille Robinson-Regis has stated that with immediate effect, prospective beneficiaries of the Ministry’s Food Support Programme will be provided with temporary food cards (TFC) during the period preceding final review and approval of their application. According to the Minister “This measure is part of the Ministry’s ongoing effort to ensure that we meet the needs of some of our most vulnerable citizens. We are trying to make sure that there is no gap in the support for food, for those most in need of it”.
The policy makes provision for temporary cards to be provided to households that are experiencing chronic food poverty/deprivation during the processing of their application. Individuals applying for long-term food support assistance will receive a temporary card upon initial application, whilst the Ministry is processing their application. When the application has been processed and the applicant is found to have qualified, a permanent Food Card will be issued.
It is expected that over five hundred households per month will be impacted by this measure. Some of these will include households with persons with disabilities, children, as well as, recent applicants from the National Social Mitigation Plan’s Social Outreach Caravan.