March 9, 2016: Senator the Honourable Paula Gopee-Scoon, Minister of Trade and Industry received a courtesy call from Mr. Brendan G. J. King, Senior Vice President, International Banking, Bank of Nova Scotia and Chairman of Scotiabank Trinidad and Tobago Limited; Mr. Bruce Bowen, Senior Vice President, Caribbean Region International Banking, Bank of Nova Scotia; and Ms. Anya Schnoor, Managing Director, Scotiabank Trinidad and Tobago Limited on Tuesday 8th March, 2016 at her Port of Spain office.
‘We are really pleased for your visit. We are very serious about getting this country back on a path of growth.’ She noted that ‘continued dialogue’ with the population is critical in advancing the country’s economic agenda.
Mr. King noted that ‘we are very pleased with our investment; there is a potential for us to do more … as we look to see what further investments we can make’. He even commented‘I like what I am hearing here about taking an aggressive approach as it relates to diversification’. The Scotia team sought to update the Minister on their portfolio of operations and investments in the country.
The discussions at the meeting surrounded the areas of sectors for diversification, availability of labour, current economic situation, foreign exchange for local manufacturers, revenue collection and revenue streams, the country’s successful energy and education stories, and the upcoming launch of the tripartite advisory council.
Senator the Honourable Paula Gopee-Scoon, Minister of Trade and Industry (r) in discussions with the Scotia team.
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Ministry of Trade and Industry