July 28, 2016: Under the direction of the Minister of National Security, Major General (Ret’d) Edmund Dillon, Executive Leadership responsible for the management of the Ministry of National Security were today engaged in a Strategic Leadership Workshop to chart the way forward for the Ministry for the next five years.
In the Minister’s presentation to all Heads he located the workshop within the Government Policy Framework of the Whole-of-Government Approach. He further urged his Executive to adopt a Whole-of-Ministry Approach to National Security.
Minister Dillon described national security as multi-dimensional in nature and suggested that any attempts to treat with related issues must also be multi-dimensional in scope and applications. He reminded all that the remit of the Ministry is to ensure the safety and security of all citizens of Trinidad and Tobago. He stated that all Units under the Ministry had a contribution to make so as to deliver strong Whole-of-Ministry results. He encouraged all present to work as a team and provide strong leadership in the area of safety and security for the best interest of the country.
Today’s workshop was conducted to:
• Review the Draft Strategic Plan for the Ministry of National Security;
• Review achievements of the various Divisions/Sections of the Ministry;
• Conduct an initial GAP Analysis;
• Complete an initial Situation Analysis;
• Develop a Conceptual Framework to inform the methodology for the conduct of the strategic planning for the Ministry towards 2020.
The Heads present at the Workshop were drawn from General Administration, Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force, Trinidad and Tobago Police Service, Trinidad and Tobago Fire Service, Trinidad and Tobago Prison Service, Strategic Services Agency, Office of Disaster Preparedness and Management, Trinidad and Tobago Forensic Science Centre and Lifeguard Services.
For more information please contact:
Corporate Communications Unit (CCU)
Ministry of National Security
Temple Court I, 31-33 Abercromby Street
Phone: (868) 624-5771/ 623-7881 Ext. 12277/12800