September 22, 2016: On Wednesday September 21st, 2016, the Honourable Minister of Finance, Colm Imbert, on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, and His Excellency John Estrada, Ambassador of the United States of America, on behalf of the Government of the United States of America (USA), signed the Customs Mutual Administrative Agreement (CMAA).
The signing of this important agreement was also witnessed by, Major General (Ret’d), the Honourable Edmund Dillon (Minister of National Security) Ag. Minister of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs. The CMAA is a treaty that allows counterpart Customs Authorities in different countries to exchange information, intelligence, documents and assistance that will ultimately assist in the prevention and investigation of customs offences. Trinidad and Tobago is the first CARICOM State to have signed this Agreement (CMAA) with the USA.
The Agreement will assist Trinidad and Tobago in a number of areas such as:
Detecting, preventing and prosecuting:
- the illicit importation and exportation of illegal narcotics, firearms and tainted cash into Trinidad and Tobago from the USA and, potentially, from other States that have concluded CMAAs with the USA;
- valuation fraud, therefore, leading to greater revenue collection; and
- money laundering, terrorist financing and human trafficking.
Assisting Trinidad and Tobago in meeting the deficiencies identified at paragraphs 145, 149, 395 and 405 of Trinidad and Tobago’s 4th Round CFATF Mutual Evaluation Report, June 2016;
Aiding Trinidad and Tobago in meeting its objective of increasing international cooperation under its Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF)-styled Action Plan;
Fortifying the intelligence apparatus of the Customs and Excise Division, including establishing strong linkages in the areas of terrorism, human trafficking and money laundering;
Fortifying the Technical Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and the Office of International Affairs, United States Customs and Border Protection.
Also at the signing ceremony were, Mr. Glen Singh, Ag. Comptroller of Customs and Excise, officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and officials from the Embassy of the United States.
L – R: Major General (Ret’d) Edmund Dillon, Minister of National Security and Ag. Minister of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs; H.E. John L. Estrada Ambassador of the USA; The Hon. Colm Imbert, Minister of Finance; U.S. Embassy’s Department of Homeland Security Attaché Arthlyn Samuel; Mr. Glen Singh, Ag. Comptroller of Customs and Excise.
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Ministry of Finance