December 13, 2016: Courage, leadership skills, good employee relations and tenacity, were the words used by Senator the Honourable Paula Gopee-Scoon, Minister of Trade and Industry to describe Mr. Trevor Joseph, Founder and Managing Director T&Z Marketing Limited as the company celebrated 30 years of operation. The Anniversary celebration took place on Sunday 11 December, 2016 at the Cara Suites Hotel, Southern Main Road, Claxton Bay.
Minister Gopee-Scoon, in congratulating the T&Z Team on this milestone achievement, commended Mr. Joseph on the courage displayed and risks taken in becoming a successful entrepreneur. She said ‘most of your success is because of your religious and moral underpinnings. You have displayed traits of an excellent leader with good employee relations as expressed by the speakers here tonight. I especially commend you on your tenacity to survive the challenging times. Despite the challenges faced, you have done well. You have expanded your operations with the opening of five stores with the most recent retail outlet opened this year in Penal’.
The Trade and Industry Minister reiterated the importance of businesses to the development of the local economy. She said ‘the Government recognizes that micro, small and medium enterprises MSMEs, all play a pivotal role in our country’s economic growth and the creation of sustainable employment as well as revenue and foreign exchange earnings’. Minister Gopee-Scoon congratulated T&Z Marketing on the strides made in the past thirty years and expressed confidence that the company would continue to grow from strength to strength in the coming years.
Mr. Joseph, Managing Director, T&Z Marketing Limited in the Feature Address shared the journey of his humble beginnings and the key factors that contributed to the success of T&Z Marketing Limited. He said ‘we celebrate and give thanks today because of the ongoing support of family, staff members, stakeholders and most of all because of the confidence and trust in God’. Mr. Joseph also attributed the success of his organisation to the genuine interest he has in the overall development of the T&Z Marketing staff which translates into a healthy work environment and excellent customer service.
The other speakers for the evening congratulated T&Z on their achievement. They acknowledged Mr Joseph’s faith in God as pivotal to the expansion of his business over the years.
Minister Gopee-Scoon makes a presentation to Ms. Debbie Mohammed, T&Z Marketing for her years of service to the company.
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Ministry of Trade and Industry