December 29, 2016:
The Consumer Affairs Division of the Ministry of Trade and Industry wishes to remind members of the public, that the Division will be continuing its educational drive which is geared towards edifying consumers about their rights and responsibilities. With the increased cost of living, the Division is reminding consumers to be vigilant and exercise caution while making purchases.
Some general guidelines would be to ensure that you obtain a receipt as this is your proof of purchase. A proper receipt should have the name of vendor, date, a correct description of item purchased and cost. Please note, clauses such as, “No exchange, No refund” or “Absolutely no refund” or “No refund on sale items” are illegal. If the items have a defect, you are entitled to redress.
If you are interested in a Consumer Advocate visiting your establishment to conduct a lecture, contact us at 800-4277, message us on Facebook @consumeraffairstt or send us an email at
For further information, please contact:
Senior Corporate Communications Officer
Ministry of Trade and Industry
Tel: (868) 623-2931-4