January 3, 2017: THE LAW IS CLEAR: SCRATCH BOMBS ARE ILLEGAL I write in response to a letter written by Mr. Keegan Denny and published in the Daily Express on Monday, January 02, 2017 under the headline: ‘Please, Govt, end our scratch bomb torment.’
Mr. Denny, like you, I am troubled and angered by the torment we all endure at the hands of scratch bombs every year. However, please allow me to correct your statement that “Successive governments have failed to effectively deal with this scratch bomb scourge. They refuse to outlaw it…”
To be clear, scratch bombs are already illegal in Trinidad and Tobago. However, complaints like yours and hundreds of other citizens, underscore the fact that laws alone are not enough to stop this scourge. This is why as Minister with responsibility for Communications, I initiated a campaign against scratch bombs which approached the problem from the perspective of a culture of care for our neighbours, our elderly and pets.
Mr. Denny this country needs this culture of care and personal responsibility to ensure a safer and better Trinidad and Tobago. Our approach would be flawed if we excluded the duties we all have as citizens to do our part to stop the sale and use of scratch bombs.
Law enforcement does have a significant role to play in dealing with the issue. In fact over the holidays the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) issued a number of advisories and conducted raids in an effort to stem the sale and use of scratch bombs. For this they must be commended.
However, the fire on Nelson Street, reportedly caused by fireworks, which left one (1) dead and six (6) families homeless highlights the fact that we all have a part to play: from the vendors to the parents to the people who buy and light scratch bombs and illegal fireworks without a thought for the serious harm they can cause.
Your letter is also evidence that we need to continue our awareness campaign to alert the public to the dangers of facilitating the use of scratch bombs and the illegal use of fireworks but I am also appealing to the hearts and minds of citizens like yourself to do their part; remember “We can have fun without having a blast”.
Honourable Maxie Cuffie
Minister of Public Administration and Communications
Member of Parliament for La Horquetta/Talparo