February 6, 2017: Minister of Social Development and Family Services, the Honourable Cherrie-Ann Crichlow-Cockburn answered the call for a meeting with the NGO-Persons Associated with Visual Impairment otherwise known as (PAVI), to address the issues and concerns expressed by the organization earlier this week. The meeting took place on Thursday February 2, 2017 at the Ministry’s Head Office, CL Building, 32-43 St. Vincent Street Port of Spain.
Following the very productive meeting, the Minister was quite pleased to note that both the Ministry and PAVI are now on the same page in addressing the issue of the organization’s subvention. Minister Crichlow-Cockburn further stated that PAVI has been informed and now understands that the information required for the 2013-2015 period was critical to informing consideration of reinstating a subvention.
PAVI agreed to provide the information as required by the Ministry, by the end of February, 2017. The Ministry also forwarded to PAVI, the templates to assist in providing the necessary information. The Ministry through its NGO Unit remains committed to working with PAVI in ensuring that the organization meets the criteria for funding by the Ministry.
The meeting concluded on a very cordial note.
For further information please contact:
The Corporate Communications Unit
Ministry of Social Development and Family Services