March 21, 2017:
The following is a message from the Honourable Cherrie-Ann Crichlow-Cockburn, Minister of Social Development and Family Services in commemoration of World Social Work Day - March 21, 2017
Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all. —Dale Carnegie
Fellow Citizens,
Let me begin by extending best wishes as I salute the Social Workers serving in various capacities at the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services, and indeed, all social workers
across this nation for their contributions, dedication, and commitment towards the call to selfless service.
Today, as the Ministry joins with the national community and partners around the world to celebrate World Social Work Day under this year's theme: “Promoting Community and Environmental Sustainability", let us be resolute in our commitment to work together to safeguard and build our families, communities and institutions, and to preserve our natural resources and surroundings for prosperity.
The Ministry of Social Development and Family Services is responsible for addressing the challenges of poverty, social inequality and social exclusion. Our programmes and services are
designed to protect and assist vulnerable and marginalized groups in society such as women, children, persons with disabilities, the elderly, the poor/indigent, the socially displaced, ex-prisoners, deportees and persons living with HIV/ AIDS. As our nation continues to address the various social challenges which face us as a people, our Social Workers are increasingly being called upon to meet the myriad of psycho-social needs of the population.
These “caretakers of the soul of our nation”, are often the ones who persevere in situations where there seems to be no hope, many times going beyond the call of duty, to bring relief and
solace to those in need. The work done by our Social Workers is critical to the efforts of the government to form a new system of social justice that will lead to a more harmonious and disciplined society, while reducing levels of poverty, violence and crime. As citizens of this twin-island Republic, we all have a role to play in caring for vulnerable persons among us. Therefore, now more than ever, I call on Team T&T; let us support and partner with the Social Workers as we seek to review, develop and implement sustainable programmes and services that can have a lasting impact on attitudes and behaviour and most importantly help, empower and transform the lives of the vulnerable and indigent in our country.
The challenges before us are great but it is in times like these that we must stand together as one nation for, ‘Together we aspire, Together We Achieve’.
For further information, please contact:
Manager, Corporate Communications and Education Unit
Ministry of Social Development and Family Services
Tel: (868) 623-2608 ext. 5402