April 2, 2017: The Government of Trinidad and Tobago notes with concern the misinformation on the status of the Point Fortin Hospital that has been placed in the public domain.
We wish to make public the following facts so that the population, especially the residents of Point Fortin, can feel confident that the Government is progressing with speed on the Point Fortin Hospital project.
All earthworks are now completed and in approximately four weeks steel works will commence.
The level of employment via this project will eventually increase to between 300 and 400 persons.
On completion of the Point Fortin Hospital, further permanent employment will be created in the form of medical and non-medial positions.
The Government of Trinidad and Tobago, led by the Honourable Dr Keith Rowley, is 100% committed to bringing the Point Fortin Hospital to completion to serve the medical needs of the South West peninsula.
For further information please contact:
The Corporate Communications Unit
Ministry of Health